What is Electricity?
What is electricity?
How Dangerous electricity could be?
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In our modern world, it is difficult to escape electricity, it is all around us it powers everything around us, and even when you’re at work it is all around you. You could never outrun energy it is still at work in nature and inside of your body. What is electricity? It is a flow of electrons. There are different forms of electricity that can have a positive and negative charge. Everything around us has matter and matter is made up of atoms, atoms have a center that is called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons, and the nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. Even though the atom has protons and neutrons they tend to balance each other out but if you force a positive and a negative charge closer together they will repel each other an example of that would be static. Static is when a negative and positive charge cross paths and push away from each other which usually causes friction. Power is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.
Direct Current
We get power from secondary energy sources that are converted to direct current after that we are ready to power our world. There are different sources and forms that are used to make direct energy, the secondary sources of energy are coal, oil, or nuclear power, but there are also primary sources which are natural gas, water, or energy harvested from the sun. Many cities and towns that are built alongside waterfalls usually use water wheels as a primary source of energy. There are different sources that can be used to make direct energy, but you also need to understand how you convert it and how to properly utilize the energy.
Electricity can be very dangerous if it is not properly used and supervised. If you were to get shocked and a large amount of electrical voltage was to travel through your body it can shut down your heart and kill you but in other cases, electricity can be a positive thing and may revive a person. There are a lot of safety regulations for most of the plug-in devices we use daily, even solar panels can be dangerous if they are not properly installed and used correctly.
Flow of Energy
When you connect your devices they are powered by electricity which is made by flowing electrons. When you use this current a circuit or path is needed for the electrons to move through a power source like a battery or a generator, this will allow the electrical current to flow and create electricity to power your home.
We believe that a person should have knowledge about energy so they can follow the safety regulations when using electricity in case of any emergencies. We also believe that knowledge is power and you should be properly informed because electricity can be very unpredictable sometimes, especially lightning, it can be very dangerous and if you know about energy you might be able to avoid certain dangers. Knowing how to use it and when to use it can help you keep more money in your pockets instead of paying more for your electric utility, giving you the power to be in control.
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