Texas Energy Rates
Texas Rates in kWh
What does kilowatt/hour mean?
Why do I want to know the meaning of kWh?
In this blog, I want to help you understand why these letters are so important “kWh”. By understanding the meaning then you can better understand residential and commercial electricity sales agents. You will also understand the importance of using energy at home and how to choose the best appliances to lower your energy consumption at home.
Thus, a watt-hour is the energy needed to maintain a constant power of one watt (1 W) for one hour and is equivalent to 3600 joules. Most frequently used are its multiple kilowatt-hours and megawatt-hours, symbols kWh and MWh respectively. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilowatt_hour
Probably you are still in the same predicament, but I wanted you to know the definition as presented by WIKI.
Explanation of what is kWh according to #supper_watt.
In my words, it is so; A watt is a measure of energy, energy is used to be able to operate certain things at constant power. This is also measured by the HOUR time, so we say watt/hour. The “K” comes from the word “kilo” which is another measurement, another way to say “1000” units something, in this case of watts. Then we find the kilowatt-hour or “KW / H” or 1000 watts per hour
What to do when you know what “kWh” means.
Then, when we see a light bulb that says “40 watts” this means that it has a power of 40 watts, if they have more watts then it will be brighter and spend more energy. Also, we will be able to see the impact on our energy consumption in our homes when using this kind of light bulb. This 40-watt bulb will use 40 watts every hour while stays on. So, if we have 10 bulbs of 40 watts lit for an hour then we use 400 watts, in the same way, if we have these same 10 bulbs of 40 watts lit for 3 hours then we spent 1200 watts or 1.2 kWh.
Do the math, see your home appliances and light bulb’s energy efficiency, and see your electric bill usage. You will see that you can always do something to lower your energy usage.
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