Save energy and change your behavior at home (Video 3-3)
Tips and suggestions to save energy: How a few changes at home and your behavior will make you use less electricity
Save Energy – Change your light bulbs.

If you change, your saving will to!
Check out this video where we explain the difference between the new LED light bulbs and the old high-efficiency light bulbs. These new LED’s last around 25,000 hours (about 10 years) and are better than the high efficiencies because they do not contain mercury.
Save Energy – Conserve Water
Yet again how we change our behavior can save tons on your bill. Why does using less water save energy? The water in your water heater’s tank starts cold. If you use less water in your daily tasks, less water needs to be heated up. Turning your water heater to “warm” conserves electricity too.
Prepare for an absence.
Not just go, change for change of behavior and lower your bill. Also, if you are planning to leave town for the holidays, your water heater does not need to be on and you can turn down your home’s thermostat. No one is there. But be aware that if you are not home and a “freeze alert” comes into play, the water pipes in your home or apartment may be at stake and suffer critical damage. Leave your thermostat at a minimum of 55° Fahrenheit. This will prevent the inside temperature from plummeting into the danger zone.
We will talk more about “freeze alerts” in the next few weeks. Here is a page if you want to learn more.
Unplug unused electronics.
At #ElectricityExpress we can never talk about this enough. Saving you a few bucks or keeping the environment safe is our mission. Unused cell phone chargers, coffee makers, and other electronics pull electricity. Look around at home and unplug what you are not using.
Energy Star Appliances
Check the label when you buy new appliances and see which one saves more energy. It is always nice to have new appliances, but what is better is when you know that the new appliance will make your wallet happy too.
You can watch other videos with tips and suggestions about saving on electricity.
At Electricity Express we’ve got your back! We have pages and pages of tips about saving energy. You can start getting prepaid electricity (postpaid electricity very soon) with us. See all of the features and advantages we have to offer.
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Check our Power Blog for more ideas on how to save energy.
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