How to Prepare Your Windows for a Hurricane

How to prepare your windows for a hurricane

How to prepare your windows for a hurricane

How to Prepare Your Windows for a Hurricane

Why is it Necessary to Protect Your Windows from a Hurricane?

Protecting your windows also protects your family, pets and valuables.  I grew up on the Texas coast and have seen destruction caused by wild weather.  A hurricane’s storm surge, flooding and incredible winds are fully capable of destroying your home.  They are nothing to take lightly.  Don’t wait until the last minute to fortify your home, or it may be too late. With us learn how to prepare your windows for a hurricane.

Clean Up Your Yard to Minimize Hurricane Damage and prepare your windows for a hurricane

Cheaper Energy Bills in Hurricane Season also here How to prepare your windows for a hurricane

A good defence begins with a great offence.  Take a look around your front and back yard.  Get rid of anything that could crash through your windows.  Cut down any loose or dead branches.  Check out your landscaping as well.  Rocks or pebbles can be replaced with shredded bark or anything softer.  Don’t forget outdoor equipment such as swing sets and jungle gyms.  Place them well away from windows and trees.

How to Protect Your Windows from Hurricane Damage

Save On Energy Sealing Your Doors and Windows

Forget tape.  Remember that when a hurricane roars into town, that 150 mph wind will throw everything into the air.  Tape won’t stop a bicycle from crashing into your kitchen.  Plywood is better.  Experts recommend it be at least 3/4 inch thick.  Remember, however, all the TV scenes of people dashing madly to Lowe’s at the last minute.  Do not wait until the last minute to get it.  It’s also a hard job, and you will probably need help and plenty of time. to drill it into your house.

What Happens if You Don’t Protect Your Windows?

You will risk tremendous damage to your home if you neglect your windows.  If your windows break, the wind will rush in and cause more destruction to your home.  This doesn’t include the additional rain that follows inside also.  Your roof will be vulnerable, because the wind inside the house pushes up against the roof, potentially pushing it off your house.

Hurricanes, of course, will either come or they won’t. But they are a reality for much of our country. After all the drama is done, be ready to reinstate your power, remember that prepaid electricity may be the best option for you. Electricity Express hopes that these precautions keep you and your family safe during this year’s hurricane season.  Electricity Express – we’ve got you covered.

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