Gas Vs. kWh
Cheap Electricity For Your Home, Cheap Gas For Your Car
Electricity & Gasoline Comparison: Analysis and Suggestions
How bad is the price of Walmart’s gasoline these days? It’s TERRIBbLLE (as bad as this word was spelled). That’s right, friends, let me tell you about my experiences at the gas pump. I will share some numbers that will make you freak out and do your own math. I used to go to Walmart to fill up my car with gas since it was 1-2 cents cheaper than the Racetrack one block away and 3-4 cents better than the Exxon across the street. This made a difference of $1 per tank at the most, or about $8 each month.
Back then I ran around 300 miles per tank with roughly 15 miles per gallon, which wasn’t bad for my ’05 Nissan Xterra. I was okay with this but then remembered that my car gave me 400 miles from time to time while travelling (highway miles). A difference of 100 miles suddenly seemed too much. For some reason I started getting my gas at Racetrack. I think it was because it had a better selection and more cashiers inside the store, was cleaner, etc. And I noticed that my gas mileage improved to 340 miles per tank; this was about a 13% increase. So I asked myself, “How bad is Racetrack’s gasoline?” After a few months, I change gas vendors again and went to EXXON, the 2nd most profitable company in the world (they must be doing something right). My gas mileage shot up again from 340 to 360 miles per tank. My old clunker started giving me 18 miles per gallon, improving its performance by almost 20%.
The hard numbers are like this: 60 miles more is about $10 per tank. If I fill up my car six times a month we come to the incredible amount of $720 savings a year. WOOOOW !!!
Now the good habits that make your car perform better:
- Fill up the tank every time you pump gas.
- Take care of your vehicle:
- Maintain proper tire pressure and rotation, which are FREE at Discount Tire.
- Get regular oil changes, only $25 every 3-4 months.
- Never let the car run out of gas.
- Avoid road traffic.
- Maintain speed limits.
Power & Gasoline. You always prepay gasoline, giving you the power to see your usage on a daily basis. You can then analyze what driving your car costs you and make adjustments. Electricity Express follows the same idea by giving them the power to clients to decide if they want to change their behaviour. Remember that when you receive a monthly utility bill you do not know when your power usage peaks; you can’t control your energy usage. Electricity Express sends daily notifications of your account balance and usage via texts or emails. How does this help you? If your balance is low you will be more careful with electronics and appliances that do not need to be on and stealing your money. Our bundled rates already include TDU delivery charges; compared to the competition, this can add up to 30% of your electricity bill.
When choosing electric companies in Texas, look carefully at their rates. Avoid nasty surprises by checking for these things that will increase your bill without notice:
- TDU delivery charges
- Recovery charges
- Gross reimbursement
- Reimbursement tax
- Deferred payment plans
- Deferred payment plan REQUEST, etc.
Going back to the gasoline, you may postpone a long trip to see your best friend or grandma because you are low on gas and payday is still 2 days away. With electricity, you may postpone baking your kid’s favourite cake until payday when you can reload your meter with energy. Either way, you are saving money. Power & Gasoline are both energies, most of the time comes from the same source and are affected by similar aspects.
Call Electricity Express today at 855 781 6970; we know we can help.
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