Lower electricity bills monitoring energy consumption.
A lot of us think that having a low kilowatt rate will make us pay less for electricity. That is to say if we do not care about how much energy we spend. Lower electricity bills monitoring energy consumption.

Text message billing method or online statement, daily usage notifications
The energy rates difference between energy companies is not that big of a deal. Competition is hard and giving or taking one or two cents will not make much difference on your electricity bill.
The difference is that you can lower electricity bills by monitoring energy consumption.
Lower electricity bills monitoring energy consumption.
For example, we have David and Joe, both neighbors, and very similar houses, let’s say 2000 square feet. Both have similar lifestyles, I mean, a family of 5, similar schedules, etc.
David has a postpaid energy company that sends him a monthly statement for his electricity consumption. Since he had tried to save energy before, but he can’t see the results of his energy-saving efforts, he just gives up and became careless of his energy usage.
David’s energy usage is about 2,000 kWh per month, and his energy rate is 11 cents per kWh. So, he pays about $220 per month, not including taxes. Now, his electricity rate is competitive and low, so he feels comfortable that he is doing fine with it.
On the other hand, we have Joe. Regarding his energy rate, he has a prepaid electricity company that gives him a 12 cents per kWh plan. However, he cares for the environment and he is a very eco-friendly guy. Joe pays around $120 for electricity per month.

energy future in our kid’s hands
Now, Joe is concerned about his energy usage and he is always looking at how to lower it.
What is more, he can notice his energy-saving efforts. He can lower electricity bills by monitoring energy consumption.
To start, Joe is not with a postpaid electricity company. Indeed, when he heard that with prepaid electricity he is able to see his energy consumption every day, he was amazed. In a like manner, he thought he can lower electricity bills by monitoring energy consumption.
Lower electricity bills monitoring energy consumption only with a prepaid electricity company.
What is more, not all prepaid electricity companies can send you a daily notification of yesterday’s energy usage. The one I know they do this very well is Payless Power. I use Payless Power and they are awesome.
Going back to the point, I will ask a question, do you think that Joe’s energy usage is the same as David’s? If I tell you that you can save a dollar or two every day by watching what you eat, you will be on that diet for sure. I mean, $365 to $700 savings per year is something to consider.
Joe can see his daily energy consumption, likewise, every time he implements an energy-saving idea, he can notice it right away.
Joe lowered his monthly energy usage by 50% in about 4 months.
Though Joe’s energy usage is not 2000 kWh per month, he is able to manage his monthly energy usage with about 1000 kWh. Since his rate is 12 cents, his electricity monthly spend is about $120.
So, Joe lowers his electricity bills by monitoring energy consumption. David is careless about how much energy he and his family waste. However, Joe keeps about $800 per year in his bank for his kids’ college.
As mentioned before, it’s like being on a diet, you want to shave a few pounds. Therefore, you watch what you eat, more exercise, and monitor your weight. Do the same for your house if you want to shave more than a few kWh usage and pay less on your electricity bill. Lower electricity bills monitoring energy consumption.
For more energy saving ideas, follow our Power Blog.
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Above all, find more savings with government-assisted programs LIHEAP. Thus follow this link to apply.