Lower Electric Bill – Air Conditioning
Modify your air conditioning habits to get a lower electric bill. Lower Electric Bill – Air Conditioning
#ElectricityExpress gives advice on how to lower the electric bill by checking your air conditioning regularly and save on energy.
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Lower Electric Bill – Air Conditioning
If there’s one thing that Texans know about, it’s air conditioning. When it snows on Christmas Day and then the day after people are playing golf in shorts, you know you’re living in a state that’s hot. From the Rio Grande Valley to the Panhandle, air conditioning is a fact of life, as are higher electric bills. The power experts at Electricity Express would like to offer you a few easy tricks that can help lower electric bill while you stay cool at the same time.
- Take care of your air conditioning vents. Look up. See that vent in the ceiling? That’s your AC vent, and if it’s full of dust or grime, it’s time to clean it out and keep it from draining your wallet. For tips on how to do this, follow this link
- Air leaks are your invisible enemy. Fix your doors and windows, or else cold air will escape your house, taking your money with it, as much as $350 every year. Wouldn’t you like that money back? To learn how to seal air leaks around your house, check out this link. For those people who are short on time, using an old towel to plug up the bottom of your main entrances will do wonders as well.
- Lower the thermostat. No one wants to sweat inside their own home. Yet how low do you have to go in order to feel comfortable inside? During those long Texas summers, temperatures hit 100°F nearly every day. Although many thermostats are set at 68°, if you instead put it at 75-78° you will then see significant savings. According to one provider, every degree raised on your AC’s thermostat will save you 2% on your electric bill, follow this.
- Use a fan. During the spring and early fall when you’re not sure if the house is too warm or bearable, turn on a fan. They use less electricity than air-conditioning units and can cool your home during the more pleasant months.
At #ElectricityExpress, we are always ready to help you lower your electric bills, for more tips you can watch our video gallery. You can check our features and you will feel comfortable taking your decision to switch
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