Still Thinking About It? It’s the EV Era
It’s the EV era
It’s in front of all of us, and most things are powered by electricity. Just look at the car industry, all models, sedans, SUVs and even trucks are going electric. Last year, Amazon announced it to bring over 100,000 electric delivery vehicles by 2030.
Source: Amazon going EV
In this blog, I will talk more about the advantages of your transportation future and the way to power it.
As mentioned above, the car industry is evolving drastically. As an example, Mercedes Benz announced it to have their whole line of vehicles with EV options by the end of 2023. Also, Mercedes-Benz is getting ready to go all-electric by the end of the decade, when market conditions allow. Shifting from electric-first to electric-only, the world’s preeminent luxury car company is accelerating toward an emissions-free and software-driven future.
Source: MB going EV
Then again, how long is going to take you to realize that going solar is the ONLY way?
Thinking About Going Solar… What about, never stopping by a gas station ever again?
Charge your car at home, your solar home.
A 2018 study by the University of Michigan found that fueling an EV car costs about $490 per year. Compared with a similar vehicle, powered by gasoline, costs about $1,200 per year. Of course, there is much to consider for an EV, however, there is no turning back on the car maker’s vision.
Source: Gas Vs Electric
Not to mention, getting your car filled with power for the next day at home, no more stops at the gas station. Government incentives.
Government Incentives for EVs
If you bought and placed in service a new qualified plug-in electric vehicle (EV) or fuel cell vehicle (FCV) on January 1, 2023, or later and meet certain income limitations, you may be eligible for a clean vehicle tax credit up to $7,500 under Internal Revenue Code Section 30D.
The energy consumed at home will increase. However, …
Your Car is Powered by the Sun, It’s the EV era
Yes, the amount of kWh consumed at home will increase. However, it’s part of the savings at the gas pump. Also, if you choose the correct solar system size the difference comes to be very minimal.
Thinking about Our Kid’s Future
With that said, we have reached the point of no return. We have 50 years of oil reserves left in the entire world. More than 65% of the oil production in the US is designated for the transportation sector. We must see a way to depend less on non-renewal natural resources of energy.
Skeptical about EVs?
I think that, as with most innovations, EVs started with a few hiccups. However, I do think that the brilliant minds of Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and many others are wrong. It’s just a matter of time to polish the details. Even gas-powered vehicles still have problems and recalls.
Still not convinced that it’s the start of the EV era.
Additionally, an $8 Billion Yacht is Coming. Called Pangeos, the floating city of the future.
Not ready for EVs, follow my Power Blog for the best energy-saving ideas.