Holiday Energy Saving
Tip 4: out of town, water heater, prepare for freeze
This is the time of the year that a lot of us leave our homes alone for a few days. Either for a family gathering or for a well-deserved time off. Holiday Energy Saving Tips 4: out of town, water heater, prepare for a freeze. This is how you can save energy and lower your electricity bill during these holidays.

Check the weather before you go on vacation
As a matter of fact, turning off your air conditioner or heating system every day just for a few hours won’t help. Notably, when the house is empty while everyone is at work or school this trick does not save energy. The correct way to do this is by managing the thermostat correctly. With that said, in the winter, we lower our thermostat while no one is home. In the summertime, we raise the temperature while no one is at home. However, turning the system off will not save you energy or money.
What can we do to save energy when we leave the house for a few days?
If you have pets, you can adjust your thermostat, so the house temperature is not “human comfortable” at all times. Concerning the pets, they are comfortable at much lower or higher temperatures than us. However, we never leave our pets alone for more than a 12-hour period. With that said, if the house is empty for more than 2 days, you can turn off the heating unit and water heater, in the case that is electric.
The only appliances that I suggest keeping on as normal are the refrigerator and freezer. The rest of the electronics can be unplugged.
When the weather strikes with a blizzard. Holiday Energy Saving Tips 4: out of town
Indeed, blizzards can be dangerous for our homes. When we go on vacation for a few days, we can check the weather and predict how good or bad the weather will be.
I mean, we do not want to come back from a well-deserved time off and find our home all flooded.
In other words, while checking your days away from home, check the weather on those days. With that said, if you see a blizzard menace, take the proper precautions;
- make sure all pipes are insulated
- cover the water faucets exposed around the house
- keep faucets to drip
- do not turn off your heating unit, just adjust it to 60 degrees,
- open cabinets that enclose water pipes
Save electricity during the holidays
Electricity Express would like to help you to prepare for a pleasant vacation and not a coma back home nightmare. More suggestions.
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