
Residential Electricity in Houston Texas

Residential Electricity in Houston Texas Finding the right residential electric company is not easy. There are so many residential electricity companies, and they all say they are the best electric company. That they have the lowest electricity rates and that they give free electricity and so on. The truth is that to find residential electricity […]

Residential Electricity in Houston Texas

Lower your electricity bill use the natural light

Lower your electricity bill

Lower your electricity bill – Use the natural light – Home improvement idea 8 As we approach the winter, the weather and temperatures are making our electricity bill decrease substantially. However, you can lower your electricity bill even more and save more money with simple ideas. You can lower your electricity bill just by paying […]

How much will I pay for electricity?

How much will I pay for electricity? Many times, I get this question, how much I will pay for electricity? This question is not easy to answer, the energy consumption is different for everyone. On this blog, I will list the factors and the reasons why we, as a sale person, can’t have a certain […]

How much will I pay for electricity

Payless Electricity This Fall Season

Payless Electricity This Fall Season

Payless Electricity This Fall Season   Weather is changing, we finally got some rain, this long summer got us dry and high energy bills too. Let’s Payless Electricity This Fall Season with some energy-saving ideas. Many of the ideas I blog about are to be practiced all year long, however, I think we all need […]

New prepaid electricity service in Texas

New prepaid electricity service in Texas Amazing what Payless Power is doing. The best prepaid electric company gets even better. That’s right, with only $75 you can start a new prepaid electricity service in Texas. This is the best thing that could have happened in the world of residential electricity. Wow, $75 and have electricity […]

New prepaid electricity service in Texas

More Electricity for Texas

More Electricity for Texas

More Electricity for Texas Texas and its neighboring states have had natural mishaps that have caused residential electricity to not arrive as it should. Power plants and distribution networks have been affected by natural disasters. More Electricity for Texas as many people are moving to Texas. Texas ranks 2nd where people want to live Apparently, […]

Save Electricity to Avoid Blackouts

Save electricity to avoid blackouts

Save electricity to avoid blackouts As summer approaches its end, temperatures are still around 100˚F with a heat index of around 110˚F. This means that by mandatory, energy companies cannot disconnect a customer’s power. However, don’t be foolish, the power will be needed to be paid. We need your help, to save electricity to avoid […]

Simple ideas how to save energy at home

Save more electricity summertime ideas 3

Save more electricity summertime ideas 3 Change your air filter and save more electricity summertime idea 3. Yes, I know I have blogged plenty of times about how to use your air conditioner. However, this appliance is the one that uses the most of our energy every month. Running an air conditioner efficiently is easy […]