Spring Cleaning Saves Electricity

Spring Cleaning Save Electricity

Spring Cleaning saves Electricity

Spring Cleaning Saves Electricity

With the arrival of spring also come allergies, a very pleasant climate, and more time to enjoy outside. It is also the season of the year when more people choose to get rid of things that they no longer want or need. But don’t forget that summer is around the corner and temperatures will rise, this means that it is time to turn on your air conditioning, having the a/c on almost all day will cause you to spend more electricity and money. So make sure you prepare your home so that it stays fresh without having to spend a lot of money. Spring Cleaning Saves Electricity

How to Prepare your Home to Save on Electricity

I’ll give you a few tips on how to save electricity and money this summer. Begin by checking all windows and doors for gaps and cracks, gaps and cracks will cause the hot air from outside to come into your house, this will make your air conditioner work double to cool down the house. Add weather strips to the bottom and sides, of windows/ doors, you can find weather strips at your local Home Depot or Lowes. Having curtains or blinds also helps to keep your house a little cooler. In the morning close the blinds that are facing to the east and in the afternoon close the ones to the west. Avoid using black curtains as black absorbs heat. Spring Cleaning Saves Electricity

Clean Filters and Fans

Clean filters not only improve the quality of the air in your home, but it also helps you’re A/C to work as efficiently as possible. Air conditioning is what spends the most electricity in your home, especially in the summer months; a good idea to reduce the expense of air conditioning would be to use the fans in the rooms. In the summer, fans should turn left to push Cold air to the ground. This will keep the room colder and help the thermostat temperature drop. If you follow these simple tips you will save electricity and money.


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Spring Cleaning Saves Electricity