Cheaper Electricity With New Light Bulbs

Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Cheaper Electricity Texas. Change your lightbulbs.

The Differences Between Light Bulbs

Light bulbs – everyone buys them, but do you really pay attention to how much they can cost you? Light bulbs may not seem very important, but think again: they can really affect your utility bill. There are many types of bulbs, so choosing the right bulb is the key to saving you money. Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Incandescent Bulbs 

Incandescent is the original type of bulb. It produces light when electric currents pass through a filament in the bulb which causes it to glow. Inexpensive and available in almost every retail store, it is the most commonly used light bulb today. Even so, it is being replaced by more energy-efficient ones

Incandescent bulbs vary from 15 to 150 watts.  Newer versions are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, with clear, frosted, or coloured glass. While they are less energy efficient, incandescent bulbs are good for standard lighting.

General Service Bulbs – Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

General service incandescents are inexpensive, widely available and what most of us think of when we hear the word “light bulb.” There are three basic shapes: general (typical shape), globe (round), and decorative.

Lower Electricity Bills with best lightbulbs

Xenon Bulbs

Xenon bulbs produce white light similar to some light bulbs, but they have a longer life rating. Some last for up to 20,000 hours, much like fluorescent bulbs. They can operate at low temperatures. These small bulbs are popular for under-the-cabinet and cove lighting applications.

Fluorescent Bulbs – Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Fluorescent bulbs use 20-40% less electricity and can last up to 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs. A compact fluorescent (CFLs) can be replaced an incandescent bulb in standard lamp sockets.

When switching to CFL, be certain it will fit without the bulb itself bulging out of the fixture. If you want to use dimmer fluorescent bulbs, look for bulbs labelled “dimmable.”

Because fluorescent bulbs contain mercury, it is very important that you dispose of them properly. For more info on this, click the link Cheaper electricity with new light bulbs.

Call Electricity Express at 855-722-7199 for more ideas on saving energy.  The smallest change can make a big difference to your pocketbook.

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