Tips to Save Electricity in the Summer

Tips to Save Electricity in the Summer

Tips to Save Electricity in the Summer

Tips to Save Electricity in the summer

Summer is the time of year when families go on vacation and/or enjoy time at amusement parks. But if you live in areas where summer is as intense as it is here in Texas, you know that your electricity bill will be high. Learn to save electricity and money this summer with the following tips and you will see how the stress will be less and your savings more, you will even have extra money to spend on your vacation.

Pick a laundry day

Washing and drying clothes add heat and moisture to the air. The Best time to wash your clothes is at night since that is when the humidity and temperature levels are lower. Also, instead of using the dryer, opt to hang clothes outside whenever possible, and wash clothes in cold water. Save electricity in the summer by lowering the temperature of your water heater, approximately 18% of the energy you consume at home comes from the water heater. Lower the temperature to 120F. Tips to Save Electricity in the Summer

Clean Filters and Fans

Clean filters not only improve the quality of the air in your home but also helps you’re A/C to work as efficiently as possible. Air conditioning is what spends the most electricity in your home, especially in the summer months; a good idea to reduce the expense of air conditioning would be to use the fans in the rooms. In the summer, fans should turn left to push Cold air to the ground. This will keep the room colder and help the thermostat temperature drop. If you follow these simple tips you will save electricity and money. Use a programmable thermostat to lower the temperature of your air conditioner when you are not home. In the summer the programmable thermostat increases the temperature in your home by 7 degrees when no one is in the house and 4 degrees when you are sleeping, according to (energy star) this can save you more than $ 180 annually.

Minimize activities that generate heat

On hot days avoid using the oven it is better to use the microwave oven or the grill to minimize the heat, if you have to use the stove or the oven, do it at night. Also turn off the light in rooms where no one is, light bulbs create heat.


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Tips to Save Electricity in the Summer

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