Electricity Meter Tampering and Stealing
Meter Tampering and Stealing
As consumers, we are always looking for ways to save money on the things that we need, like our electricity. We are always looking for the lowest price in the market. There is a practice called Meter Tampering, people try to change the way a meter works, even when this is an illegal activity.
Do People Steal Meters?
Unfortunately, yes, some people just do the “easy” way to save electricity by tampering with the meter. This is to make it read less electricity than it should.
This is ILLEGAL, it could lead to serious consequences if you temper with a meter. Is not only dangerous to the point that could cause death but also you can do some time in jail for this.
Sure, you may think that this only happens in foreign countries, but believe it or not, this is happening here in the US as well and it is on the rise.
Why would someone steal a meter or temper with one?
There are many reasons why someone would want to steal a meter or temper with a meter.
- To try to slow down the reading of how much electricity is being used at home.
- To outsmart the system and get free electricity.
How can meter tampering affect you?
Stealing electricity and meter tampering is dangerous. It can cause a lot of damage to a residence. From starting a fire if the wires are not properly placed, to causing the death of an innocent person.
If you live in an apartment complex, and someone tampers with one of the meters of the building where your apartment is located your utility company can and will disconnect the electricity. The entire building even if it was not your meter the one that was tempered with. To get this resolve the utility company must get in contact with your apartment manager. The City officials or the police force will keep the residents informed of the situation, and what needs to be done for the power to be restored quickly and safely as possible.
Consequences for stealing or meter tampering:
- You could go to jail and pay a high penalty depending on how much electricity you use without paying.
- Innocent people could be without electricity for days.
- And DEATH.
- In trying to get the meter off the wall.
- For leaving the wires on the ground where anyone can step on them.
- Causing fires.
With who do I dispute the tempering charges?
If your meter has been tempered you should call your utility right away. Now, if you receive a charge for meter tampering you should contact your REP (Retail Electric Provider). They should be able to send the request to your utility and tell them to get in contact with you about the charges. The utility should be able to provide you with all the information you need to dispute the meter tampering charges.
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