Residential Electricity without Deposit without Credit
Residential Electricity without Deposit without Credit
Why does our advertising say Residential Electricity without Deposit without Credit?
In fact, the words we use when making promotions or announcements, in order to get the attention of our readers or future clients, are confused; Residential Electricity without Deposit without Credit.
First, I want to say that Electricity Express wants to be clear in everything we do, we are not afraid to explain in detail any plan or company with which the client can connect their home electricity.
Residential Electricity without Deposit Explained
The word “DEPOSIT”; in the world of Residential Electricity, is the amount of money that the customer is asked for as security, and this deposit will remain in the hands of the electricity company to cover the expenses incurred if the client leaves the residential electricity company before the contract ends.
Then, when we say Residential Electricity “No Deposit” this will be for two reasons;
- The client requested a contract service and the client has the necessary credit score to not need the security deposit.
- The client does not want a plan with a contract and chose a prepaid electricity plan. The money that the client paid is for the number of kilowatts that he will use.
Residential Electricity without Credit.
There are two ways to get residential electricity
- With contract
- A credit check will be done for all contract plans. Otherwise, a deposit will be required.
- Without contract
- Plans with monthly invoicing and no contract no longer exist. From what we have left; If the client does not want a contract, he will have to opt for prepaid residential electricity.
So, when we say Residential Electricity “Without Credit” is because the customer asked for prepaid electricity or agrees to pay a deposit.
To conclude
This is when the client chose PREPAID Residential Electricity since it is not required to verify the credit and the money he pays is for the number of kilowatts he wanted to purchase to start the residential electricity service.
Unfortunately, the words are confusing, many customers are more confused when we explain, I just want to reiterate that Electricity Express is here to help them with their needs of Residential Electricity.
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In the future we will talk about ways to verify the credit and why we have to do this.
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