Cheap Electricity. Your New Electric Car
Cheaper Home Electricity – Cheap Electricity. Your New Electric Car
Move Over Big Oil. Here Comes the Electric Car.
The electric car may very well be the wave of the future. Saudi Arabia, though still king of the oil fields, can’t hold out forever. Rough estimates show that the country’s production is declining between 2-8% each year http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=sa. Petroleum doesn’t renew itself, which means eventually the world will run out of it. As we approach that cliff, the price of gas at the pump will rise and rise. Enter the electric car.
Electric Cars – The Early Days – Cheap electricity. Your new electric car
I’ll admit it – when I first saw photos of electric cars, I was not impressed. Many of them seemed smaller than my parents’ golf cart, which I do like driving around, incidentally. Beyond the size, they were just plain ugly. Take a look at the car on the right, and you’ll have to agree with me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car. To make it worse, they just appeared unsafe. One crash with a light post or a cow and your car gets squished as a Coke can. I never took these things seriously. Cheap electricity. Your new electric car.
New, Better and Interesting – Cheap Electricity. Your New Electric Car
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However, designs have improved and are now more attractive and roomier http://www.greencarreports.com/news/electric-cars. With those issues solved, I must admit to being curious. What would it be like to have one of them around my home? The U.S. government has a nifty little chart that lays out the “fuel economy”, the cost to drive 25 miles, miles on a charge, time to charge the battery and annual “fuel cost” http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/evsbs.shtml. It’s kind of intriguing.
According to Nissan, their LEAF can go 84 miles on a single charge. With the average American driving only 33 miles/day http://www.nissanusa.com/electric-cars/leaf/charging-range/, it’s not hard to see the possibilities. Of course, that won’t convince the poor guys who commute between Dallas and Fort Worth every day. Who wants to run out of battery power in the middle of I-30 at 5:30 pm?
They also throw out a $600/year “fuel cost”. I spend $30/week on old-fashioned gas, or about $120/month. Ouch. The electric car would cut my “fuel cost” more than in half. That’s information I can appreciate. Cheap electricity. Your new electric car.
Sooner or later oil will become a thing of the past, and everyone will have an electric car in their garage. Gas stations will vanish and be replaced by charging stations. Can you imagine that? It’s anyone’s guess how utility companies like Electricity Express will be impacted. But I’m sure we will be leading the way, making the transition easier and more affordable for everyone.
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