How to Save on Energy
I Save on Energy Today, Prepaid Electricity Helped Me
Posted by Lisa Sanchez, her real-life experience.
Prepaid Energy can help you save and pay less on your electricity bills
The million-dollar question. How to save on energy?
Back in the day, I used to receive humongous electricity bills. “Why do we pay high energy bills? Why…?” That was my question every month when I received my bill. Look, and said, “Used to”. To be honest, I thought the previous electricity company was stealing from me. In a way, they were. They had so many hidden charges that not even the customer service representative could explain. I will not disclose that energy company’s name just because I don’t like bad karma. Either way, not knowing how to save energy, not knowing how to read my electricity bill, I was hopeless.
I decided to make several changes to save electricity. Make things simpler and pay attention to the details. I called for a family meeting, I was determined to stop wasting money on electricity.
How did I start saving on my electric bill?
The first thing I did was to investigate why I was charged so much on my electric bill. I am aware of the energy waste in my home, but the charges were ridiculous, energy charges for about a thousand things. For me, was very difficult to understand. As mentioned above, my previous electricity company’s customer service was not able to explain all the charges. I decided to move on to a new electricity company. Someone that could do things simpler and give me details of my charges and most importantly, my energy usage.
I switched to prepaid electricity with Payless Power
I changed several habits, using energy in my house differently, and started to show my children how to do this. I knew this way I could save electricity and save lots of money. I thought that if we all put in a little effort, we all would achieve our goal, save electricity. I confess it was not easy for me and my children, we were very spoiled, took baths that least one hour and with only hot water. Imagine how much we spend on electricity, water, and energy that we wasted something out of the normal.
Imagine this, like me, there are many people. I started with that change, I tried not to bathe with warmer water and cut the time of my showers. Then we had to get used to keeping the lights off. to be honest I think that was more difficult, we used to leave all lights on while not being in the rooms, and lights and televisions remain on at all times. Believe me, within a month I started to see the difference; first because we were not with the same power company, and second because we were taking care of our energy. I remember once my kids asked me for money, and I sadly told them; “I’m sorry kids, I do not have it, we need to pay the electric bill and I’ll be out of money …”.
You can say I exaggerate but it’s true, my bills were above $200 per month. After we started to change our habits of how to use electricity, I tell my kids you help me save energy and will have a treat because I have money to give them.
Dear friends my answer was simple and I had it in my hands, making the necessary changes, not to have to worry each month how much energy would pay or having to make payment arrangements with companies.
Prepaid advantages
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